Upgrade Next - YotasScale

Upgrade Next - YotasScale

Purpose of this document is to keep record of the process and changes required for upgrading the FE repo along with the GraphQL layers to the latest stable version.

As we are upgrading to Node v18, in order to do so need to upgrade libraries to the latest compatible version with node v18 to not face any errors.

What are the Plans ?

  1. Exclude the libraries that we no more needed or which can be replaced with few lines of ES6 features.

  2. Upgrade to Node v18.

  3. Upgrade libraries to latest stable version.

  4. Upgrade Apollo server and gateway to latest version and refactor the GraphQL layer where needed.

  5. Improve Insight Metrics to gain points as much as possible.

  6. Move Components to Reusable components as much as possible.

  7. Add Unit testing compulsory.

  8. Add Storybook to the FE.

  9. Move CSS to separate files to keep logic layer separate from the HTML and CSS.



  1. List of libraries to exclude from FE.
  1. Moment