How to configure RI purchase preferences
- Garrett Reynolds (Deactivated)
- John Brand (Unlicensed)
- Muhammad Mudassar Nazar (Deactivated)
Owned by Garrett Reynolds (Deactivated)
A step-by-step guide to configuring RI purchase preferences
- Recommendation Module should be switched on for Tenant
- User should be Admin or Power User
EC2 and RDS RI Recommendations are being calculated based on the default configurations defined within the software recommendation settings. The following aspects of RI purchasing can be defined:
- Reserved Instance (RI) Types
- Preferred Term
- Scope Preference
- Offer type
- Purchase account preference
Reserved Instance (RI) Types
The RI type that can be used in purchase recommendations made by the software.
- Standard RIs (Default value)
- Modify instance size during the term
- Instance type cannot be modified
- Cannot be exchanged only modified
- Can be sold in the RI Marketplace
- See Modifying RIs on AWS (7 mins read)
- Convertible RIs
- Can Modify some attributes
- Can be exchanged for another convertible instance
- Cannot be sold in RI marketplace
- See Exchanging Convertible Instances on AWS (5 mins read)
Preferred Term
The purchase term that can be used in recommendations.
- 1 year (Default value)
- 3 year
Scope Preference
The scope types that be available.
- Availability Zone
Offer type
The offer type that is available.
- No Upfront
- Partial Upfront (Default value)
- All Upfront
Purchase account preference
Options to buy AZ scoped RIs at:
- Payer Account (Default value)
- Linked Account
Options to buy Regional RIs at:
- Payer Account (Default value)
- Linked Account
Steps to complete:
- Click on your initials in the upper-right hand corner of the screen
- Click "Account Settings" from the drop-down menu
- From the sub-navigation pane on the side select "Recommendations".
- From Left-side-bar-menu click Purchase Preferences --> EC2 RI Purchases / RDS RI Purchases
- Make the required changes and click Save Changes button on top or click Discard Changes if you want to retain old settings and you can also reset to default configs by click Rest to Default
Note: Recommendations will be re-calculated after changing the configuration in the next scheduled run.
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