Yotascale Budgeting & Forecasting
Bhargav brahmbhatt (Deactivated)
John Brand (Unlicensed)
Yotascale Budgeting & Forecasting Overview
Yotascale Budgeting & Forecasting features provide a simple solution for cloud budget owners to plan and manage their AWS spend. Being able to budget and forecast your costs are critical to providing predictability in your AWS spend. Cloud budget owners should use the Budgeting and Forecasting product plan and manage their AWS costs within a perspective.
After you have created perspectives that align with how you want to manage your AWS spend (cost centers, stacks, product groups, etc.), the Budgeting feature will allow you to create, view and update budgets with this context. Budgets can be tracked at the monthly, quarterly, or annual time-frame. Yotascale will provide forecasts to help you create your upcoming budgets based on the historical trends that we are seeing. Forecasting can also help you manage your spend by alerting you about the possibility that will miss your budget for the time frame. Yotascale will send an alert when we notice your spending forecast has exceeded the budget and will prominently show it in the UI.
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