How to view supported APIs

A step-by-step guide to the Yotascale support APIs


Yotascale is an API-focused company. We provide APIs and related documentation on all relevant data within our platform so as to simplify our customers effort to access and leverage our software to the fullest extent possible. The following API's are currently available:

  • Account API - provides information about cloud provider accounts onboarded to Yotascale
  • Business Context API - provides details around the active business context including key mappings, budgets and alerts
  • Cost Analytics API - provides a flexible data retrieval service for extracting and integrating Yotascale data into other systems

Steps to complete:

  1. Navigate to the Yotascale REST API view by clicking your initials in the top right of the page
  2. Click "Yotascale API" from the drop-down menu
  3. To get the access key, click on the link "setting page".  If this is the first time accessing the page, click on the button "Regenerate key"

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